Las cosas se complican cada vez más para el “Bebesón” Jarrell Miller (23-0-1, 20KOs), luego que se conociera que dio positivo en un control antidoping previo a su pelea del 1 de junio ante Anthony Joshua (22-0-0, 21KOs).

Ahora fue la Comisión Atlética de Nueva York quien le negó la licencia de boxeo profesional a Miller “por una infracción relacionada con el uso de una sustancia prohibida”.

Jarrell Miller se descargó a través de las redes sociales “Soy un guerrero, no necesito sustancias prohibidas. Recuerden, no crean todo lo que oigan o vean. Los hechos prevaleceran y seré reivindicado”, afirmó en su cuenta de Instagram.


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I want to thank all of my supporters who have stood by me since day one and especially during this extremely difficult time. I have not been tuned in to social media and any other media outlets to focus and channel all of my energies into working hard with no distractions. I am absolutely devastated upon hearing the news my boxing license has been revoked in NY State and I will be vigorously appealing this decision. I have NEVER knowingly taken any banned substance and when I found out the news last night I was totally shocked. My team and I stand for integrity, decency & honesty and together we will stand to fight this with everything we have! This was a voluntarily test that I was very happy to do and these results came just one week after another voluntarily test that I had taken which was completely clean. I refuse to just lie down and let my dream be taken away from me when I know in my heart that I’ve done nothing wrong. 15 years of hard work. I’m WARRIOR .. I don’t need a banned substance. Remember don’t believe everything you hear and see. The facts will prevail and I shall be vindicate. I don’t have anything to hide and the truth will make itself known.

Una publicación compartida por JARRELL BIGBABY MILLER (@bigbabymiller) el

Lo cierto es que, a la espera de los resultados de la prueba B, el equipo de Anthony Joshua ya está buscando un reemplazante para el próximo 1 de junio el cual podría ser el cubano Luis “King Kong” Ortíz.